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Steam Turbines

For steam turbine casings, we cover the whole manufacturing process of CAD, computer-aided digital description, cutting, bending, assembly, welding, heat treatment, machining and coating.
As for large valves, we carry out machining and assembly work for their main bodies. Regarding the products such as turbine blades, packing rings, thrust bearings which require high accuracy in processing, we fully utilize computers and perform rational production activities by use of CAD, CAM and fully automated industrial robots.
We also engaged in assembly work for small capacity turbines such as high-pressure turbines for marine use and boiler feed water pump turbines.

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Click the image and you will see an enlarged picture.
Turbine Casing
(Shin Nagasaki Seisakusho, Ltd.)
   Turbine Exhaust Gas Chamber
(Marushin Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)
   Special Stationary Blades
(Shin Nagasaki Seisakusho, Ltd.)
Main stop Valve
(Choryo High Tech Co., Ltd.)
Thrust Bearings
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)
Packing Rings
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)
Inner Gland Packing
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)
Bearing Metal
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)
Various Stationary Blades
(Hoyo Co., Ltd.)
Various Blades
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)
(Shukosha Co., Ltd.)